Apprenticeship Program

God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with Billy Graham

The goal of this program is to advance natural abilities through practical training provided by professionals and institutions. Students will learn a skill, apply that knowledge and then go out and teach others. In addition to this, we help our students address emotional and spiritual conflict and/or needs by providing counselling and mentorship. Most people do not struggle with the concept of learning a skill and putting it to practice. The challenge lies in the deep belief systems and patterns that lead our lives in an endless spiral of disappointment.


Character development is at the heart of Emerge. By the time students finish the program they should not only be more advance in their trade but also be equipped emotionally and spiritually for the road ahead; having dealt with the ever so present 3rd world realty of the effects of poverty on the mind and negative past experiences.


How it works


Students are enrolled and identified through referrals, our partnership organizations and our team who personally goes throughout rural and urban areas seeking out individuals who need a second chance in life. That’s right, we have a team designed just for looking for people with potential! We are currently in phase one of the apprenticeship program and hope to one day offer a full-fledged residential program.


Upcoming Projects: Carpentry, Cosmetology, Mechanical Engineering and Musicianship


“It’s more blessed to give than receive” Acts 20:35

Future Projects

Interior Design
Brick laying
Mechanical Engineering
Graphic Design
Worship & Musicianship
Catering & Culinary Arts
Sewing & fashion design
Theater Arts
Wedding Planning

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